Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Cyber bullying is defined by teasing, mockery, or name-calling through any form of technology networking(such as instant messaging, text messaging, social network sites, etc). Cyber bullying is a relatively new topic to researchers. Cyber bullying is so dangerous because of the many methods of the anonymous nature the internet and other communicating devices provide.

What is the best way to handle cyber bullying as a parent? There are two major philosophies on how to deal with cyber bullying. After reading through a blog on greatschools.com, there proved to be two common ways to deal with cyber bullying. The varying opinions split down the middle. One, allow your children to stand up for themselves on their own in hopes that the problem will be resolved. Parents who chose this path express to their children their concerns but continue to allow them to use the internet freely. Secondly, is to complete cut off your child from all access to computers and cell phones in hopes of limiting their exposure to the bullies.

Both opinions on the subject stress that parents CAN'T use the common excuse that they cannot keep up with their children's technology. Just because you don't understand doesn't mean you shouldn't learn, if only for the well being of your child.

My opinion on the matter would be right in the middle. I would allow my children to use social media, a cell phone, IM, etc but I would monitor it and make sure I had all of the passwords to check in every once in awhile. Growing up I was very open with my parents. I would read my mom my text messages and I didn't keep any secrets. I was not the typical child you could say. I valued talking through different situations with my mom and didn't keep anything from her. That being said, I was never bullied. Through my research on cyber bullying, those who are bullied who are being bullied keep it a secret because they feel ashamed. Often they will begin to internalize the comments the bullies are making and in some cases start to believe them. It is important for children to have their own privacy and handle their own situations- it is truly the only way they will learn. BUT it is also the job of the parents to protect their children from the negatives in the world.

Cyber bullying is a horrible, senseless form of teasing that is often taken way to far. Children get a false sense of confidence, which fuels their cruelty, when chatting online. The best things parents can do is to be open with their children and make sure they are aware of the dangers of cyber bullying. Parents should be aware of whether their child is a bully or is getting bullied.

Schools are taking a stand against bullying and serving severe consequences toward those who are involved. Cyber bullying is a serious matter that can be prevented with proper awareness and education of the dangers.


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