Thursday, May 30, 2013

This blog is a great opportunity to express my passion for both general education and special education. A little background on myself...I am 22 years old. I am finishing my undergraduate degree in English at Bridgewater State University. I took this past Spring semester off from school to focus on passing my MTELS (the dreaded mtels!) I ended up getting a job on my time off working in a school for children with severe special needs. I work with a population of students with varying medical and learning disabilities. The population I work with requires a lot of hands on work and my students require a lot of one to one attention. I have 6 students in my classroom and 4 staff members. We all work collaboratively to ensure our classroom is a safe and inviting learning environment. I started my journal toward a career in education picturing myself in a 3rd grade general education classroom. Now that I am working in special education I no longer have the desire for a typical classroom. I could not be any happier with my experiences in the school I am working in now and cannot wait until I have my own classroom! I am looking forward to the different aspect of education that this course will bring light to.

I truly believe that it takes a special person to dedicate their lives to a career in education. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone in the class through their blogs and classroom discussions!

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